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Join Our Coummunity...

and have access to training materials, resources, and connections.


Join our community and get access to…

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Community Network Directory

Browse and network with our Board Repair community directory and connect with people that share your passions and interests.

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Training Materials

Access training materials and resources from our trainings and workshop sessions to further your board and professional development.

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Browse a list of curated resources related to developing your board service practice.

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Community Stories

Learn from one another by listening to stories of Board Repair’s community members. 



Join Now

We’d love to have you!

  1. To join our community network, please confirm that you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color.

  2. Once you confirm, you will be directed to sign up to the Board Repair Member Area.

  3. You will gain immediate access to the Board Repair Member Area, including the Community Network Directory. Please add your profile to the directory within 24 hours of registration.

Do you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC)?